Thursday, March 8, 2012


Well, Nolan is 11 weeks old now, and I've been back at work since 8 weeks. {insert VERY sad/depressed/overwhelmed face here}. That has got to be one of the hardest things for a Momma to do...head back to work and leave the little one. I cried. Multiple times. And I cried again when I had to go back to work after my winter break. Can't someone invent a good paying job (not that being a teacher is!) that you can do from home and that doesn't take a lot of time, so you can just snuggle and love on your baby for as long as you want? Please let me know if that job exists! Don't get me wrong, I do love my job (most days), but I love my sweet Nolan MUCH much more.

Nolan has only gotten up once the past two nights. We're slowly making our way towards a full night of sleep! I can't wait! Smiles are abundant--especially in the mornings--and laughs are starting to form. I can not wait to hear his first real laugh!

Here's a couple belated 2 month photos:

 Likes: Elmo/Sesame Street, car rides, ceiling fans, family photo wall
Dislikes: tummy time
Weight: 12 lbs 1 oz
Height: 22 1/4 in

We survived the 2 month shots...boy, did that break my heart. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I've Been Busy!

I FINALLY got around to making the letters for Nolan's bedroom. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out! I was originally going to use pages from Dr. Seuss books, but I figured these designs would be better in the long run--you know, no 18 year old boy would want Dr. Seuss letters in his room!

I also made these cookies this week. They are GREAT! I changed it up a little bit though. Instead of the 1 2/3 cups M&Ms, I used 1 cup M&Ms and 1 cup chopped walnuts. These might just be my new favorite cookies. They're SUPER chocolatey!

Nolan's finally starting to smile in response to us. It's sooo super cute and heart-melting. I just wish I could be fast enough with the camera to get a photo!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What We're Loving Wednesday

Graco Duo 2-in-1 Swing & Bouncer
Nolan enjoys the swing when he's sleepy during the day. The nature sounds help calm him down (usually) while he stares at the ceiling fan and zones out.

Fleece Sleepbags
I'm wasn't sure what these are really called, but we love these for bedtime. They keep Nolan warm, and they're easy for middle of the night diaper changes when you're half awake with one eye open trying to clean a baby bottom and successfully change a diaper without making a mess. Not having to deal with all those snaps that some other outfits have is heavenly.

Sleep Gowns
These aren't as warm or soft as the fleece sleepbags, but they're also easy access for nighttime changes!

Summer Infant Cradling Comfort Bathtub
Nolan absolutely LOVES tubby time. Once he outgrew the tub we were using from the hospital, we started using this one. It makes bath time MUCH easier for Momma and Daddy. It only takes one of us to bathe him, and it's big enough that he'll be able to use it for quite some time. The sling stays stationary even though it's not attached to the tub, and it dries fairly quickly.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

I've been wondering...

WHY do underwire nursing bras exist if they only cause clogged milk ducts? Not cool. If that's going to happen EVERY time I wear one, I would have liked to have been warned before I bought it. *sigh* Is this just me, or does anyone else have this issue?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What We're Loving Wednesday

Johnson's Honey Apple lotion

Why doesn't anyone tell you that this stuff works so well for grown-ups too? I'm never going back! Honey Apple lotion for Momma and Natural lotion for Nolan.

American Eagle Straight Jeans

The only pre-pregnancy jeans I can successfully button. Thankfully they're cute, and I can wear my boots with them. :o)

The First Years Close & Secure Sleeper

Lesson number one of parenting (and teaching!): Be flexible!

We swore up and down we wouldn't be those parents who let their kids sleep in the bed with them...then came Nolan, and guess who sleeps in the bed with us! Nolan doesn't like to sleep alone in his bassinet in our room, and we're not ready to have him sleep in his nursery yet since he's getting up 3-4 times each night, and, really, who wants to trudge down the hall in the middle of the night.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1 Month

Nolan is 1 month old today! I can't believe it. People always tell you how quickly the time goes and how fast they grow up...where did the past month go?! Here are a few photos of my snuggly guy in his cute onesie. You can find FREE PDF files for girl and boy month-by-month onesies at Petite Lemon. All you need is a plain onesie, printer, and transfer paper...super easy. Enjoy!

Likes: bath time, getting lotioned, NUK silicone pacifiers at sleeping times, snuggling, car rides
Dislikes: being naked, having hands covered, sleeping alone, dirty diapers (even ever so slightly soiled)
Height: 21.5 in
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Book Recommendation

If you are pregnant or just had a baby, you NEED to read this book! It is absolutely hilarious yet still filled with useful advice...much of which most people won't tell you! It's funny and brutally honest. I wish I had known about this series while I was pregnant because there is a The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy as well. She has also written The Girlfriends' Guide to Toddlers, The Girlfriends' Guide to Baby Gear, The Girlfriends' Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and The Girlfriends' Guide to Parties and Playdates.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What We're Loving Wednesday

What we're loving most this week is Triple Paste. This stuff is magical! Nolan had a pretty bad diaper rash, and the Desitin just was not cutting it. Wasn't doing a thing! Then, we tried the Triple Paste, and it cleared up right away! Awesome. We highly recommend it!
We're also quite partial to these sweet halo sleep sacks. Momma's not a very good swaddler, so the sleep sacks keep Nolan nice and cozy without coming undone! Plus, when he's sleeping at night, I don't wake up every 10 minutes to make sure his bib and blanket aren't in his mouth or nose. 

Last, but not least, we're loving this Johnson's Natural and body wash and lotion. They smell good, and they're made from fruit! 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome & Meet Nolan!

Thanks for stopping by! 

I decided to start this mommy blog in order to keep my baby babblings separate from my Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper blog. I got the idea from Shannon at Kindergarten Hoppenings & The Fallible Mommy who is also a teacher and new momma! 

Here is the handsome little man that now rules our lives:

Nolan Lee
December 21, 2011
12:12 pm
7 lbs. 14 oz.
20 in.

Nolan's due date was December 27th (which was changed to December 25th), but he was breech, so we got our Christmas gift early! He was quick to arrive once Momma was prepped...12 minutes! He was grabbing at anything within reach while the nurses were trying to get his weight, clean him up, etc. All the nurses kept remarking how strong he is...and, boy, is it true!